Radiometer RUG-2001

Brief information:

Radiometer specific activity RUG-2001 (hereinafter radiometer) is designed for rapid determination of the specific activity of natural radionuclides 232Th, 226Ra, 40K and man-made radionuclides 60Co, 137Cs in samples taken for chemical analysis of ladle metallurgy industries. The radiometer is used in laboratories radiological control metallurgical plants.

Radiometer RUG-2001

Brief information:

Radiometer specific activity RUG-2001 (hereinafter radiometer) is designed for rapid determination of the specific activity of natural radionuclides 232Th, 226Ra, 40K and man-made radionuclides 60Co, 137Cs in samples taken for chemical analysis of ladle metallurgy industries. The radiometer is used in laboratories radiological control metallurgical plants.

The basis of the radiometer put gamma-spectrometric method for the determination of radionuclides, based on measurements of the pulse height distribution of radionuclides in the study of recorded energy ranges.

Radiometer is a stationary device, consisting of the following units:

• Lead defense (1 pc. single-channel radiometer, 2 pcs. radiometer for two-channel); • detection unit BDEG-01D (1 pc. single-channel radiometer, 2 pcs. for dual channel radiometer); • Amplitude conversion block BPA-01D (depending on order, available as part of a personal computer or in a separate building); • personal computer

Protecting a lead is protected from the influence of the surrounding natural background in the measurement process.

The detection unit converts the stream of gamma radiation in a sequence of pulses corresponding amplitudes. At the end of the detection unit is well to place the sample analyzed.

Block-01D converter converts the amplitude of pulses from the detecting unit into digital code and transmits them to the PC. The transducer block has two independent processing channels, it simultaneously be two detection unit. Depending on the order, the payment of the transducer block BPA-01D is set in a free PCI-slot of a personal computer or in a separate enclosure. Exchange of information via COM-port.

Options Values
Range radiometer measurements of the specific activity, Bq / kg from 20 to 10000
Recorded radionuclides 232Th, 226Ra, 40K 60Co, 137Cs
Maximum permissible relative error of measurement of the specific activity at a confidence level of 0.95%, max % ± 30
Minimum measured 137Cs activity during the measurement 60 min (background radiation 0.15 mSv / h) at P = 0,95, d = 50%, not more Bq 4
The instability of the calibration characteristics conversion for 8 hours max, % ± 1
The instability of the counting characteristics for 8 hours max, % ± 5
Warm-up time radiometer no more mines 30
Continuous operation time radiometer, hours 8
The values ​​of the measurement time set in the range minutes from 10 to 60
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature, °С from 10 to 35
Relative humidity (at +30 °C), % 75
Barometric pressure, kPa from 84 to 106,7